Monday, March 25, 2013

Benefits Of Sport

There are a lot of benefits of sport, for instance people who tend to play sport are the ones who body image would be more positive than those who do not play sports. More benefits of sport are:
  • Help develop leadership qualities.
  • Exposes children to both aspects of winning and losing
  • Builds spormanship
  • More sporting, more positive and stronger
These benefits all contribute to the preperation for adulthood. Establishing a good tradition for adulthood is important to the parents that raise their kids by involving them in sports. Being involved in sport also enhances interactive skills for a social benefit. Being able to speak to someone respectively and productively, helps with future jobs that may come about and also when having to present whether that be in school or a big event such as graduation. Sport teaches a lot, it can be a variety of things depending on if the team you are on is winning or if they are losing. Being on a winning team can benefit somebodies competitive readiness, but losing can make somebody lose their passion for the game and I have seen it happen before. To go deeper than all the personal venue, sport is a great way to expand international relationships and nationalism. Being part of a sport and being idolized for doing such a thing, gives someone the confidence that what they are doing is great for the nation and other people's patriotism. Sport also gives the expansion of creating relationships with people from other cultures and give the name "sport" to be more of a diversity meaning more than organizations put together.

Overall, sport improves many developments that helps with a variety of aspects in life. For some that is why they partake in sport but to also improve their skills for the sport they play and to create a future with what ever that may be.

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