Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Steroids Affect On Baseball Hall Of Fame

Denied Induction

For athletes to be inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame need to be mentioned on 75% of the ballots. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens weren't even close. Roger Clemens was only mentioned on 37.6% of ballots and Barry Bonds was only mentioned on 36.2% of the ballots. These two athletes historically is two of the best baseball players at their position but with the strong allegations that these players used performance-enhancing drugs is the reason to why the Hall of Fame voters did not feel they belonged in the Hall of Fame. For someone like Barry Bonds that very well may be true. If you compare Bond's statistics pre-allegations as oppose to his statistics after the allegations, it has steroid user all over it and here are Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens stats before and after they "supposedly" used performance enhancing drugs:
The reasons for why these athletes take drugs is because they feel they are not performing at a high level which would be physiological reasons or even psychological reasons. They either want to get stronger and better, or want to increase aggression and motivation. There are also reasons why athletes shouldn't take drugs and those are it gives an unfair advantage to other athletes, it's against the law and taking drugs sets a bad example for the youth.


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